
My Last Post As 24...

Thoughts...good ones, always. Despite how intense things may be, I always know that I always love the good things in life. My sisters. My family. My good, true friends. My band. (That would be Aerosmith...)

I wish that Steven Tyler could know or see the person who I've become because of his wit, his energy, his passion. In a way it's almost more amazing that he is obvilious to it all practically, because I'm quite sure he knows it on a spiritual level. His effect is something he lives and breathes for, so it seems. And I love him - so, so much.

I wish and hope that a new year of my life brings me back to my roots - brings me happiness in a way that I have forgotten lately. I don't ever want to lose touch with the things that made my soul so sweet some time ago. Keep in touch with Mama Kin...

Much Aerolove Always,
Kristen Paige


Hollywood Bowl, baby

Aerosmith played Tuesday night @ the infamous Hollywood Bowl - one of the few venues left with any character. Although my tickets weren't in the box section, I ran right down there anyway. I feel bad for the people who go to Aero concerts with me. I think they feel like it's going to be such a cool experience, but I never realize how much I completely leave my everything the second the show starts. So I found James after it all ended...but until then:

I flashed Steven Tyler during the encore. He almost fucking kissed me again. When he saw me, he came and leaned into me to sing, and went "Just gimmie a kiss..." He puckered at me and I told him just a little one - he walked away. I teased him and he teased me back. Plus on his blog the other day he said he wanted to stop kissing so much during the shows cause he's afraid of getting the weazzles and the sneezles.

Touching Joe Perry is like sticking your hand in an electric socket. It is SO all about JP right now, it's not even funny. What a rock god. He did everything I've ever wanted all right in front of my eyes.

My waist was on the runway. I laid on the stage. I had to be careful not to get trampled by Joe Perry - how cool is that?!

OTT, baby OTT.

Loving Aerosmith...

Sometimes I think I love Aerosmith so much that it hurts. Acutally, I know I do. It's like this unbelievable pull from so deep inside... Seeing them ignites every human emotion in me. I am so entirely consumed by Steven Tyler that touching him is beyond anything I'm capable of understanding. And it hurts. It hurts that nothing I could ever do will satisfy this enormous passion for the soul-fed, rock-injected groove that is Aerosmith. What does it mean? I almost can'tgo on, because nothing I can ever do will come close to suceeding the magnitude of love that I feel for this band. I could swallow it alive and still not feel full.

I know that they understand, because they exhibit the same emotion themselves. That's why I love them the way that I do - because they love things the way they do. I hope they know about me though...I love them more than anything.

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